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The White Witch: Stevie Nicks

Stevie Nicks    Stevie Nicks is the daughter of Jess Nicks and Barbara Nicks. As a child Stevie would travel a lot because of her father's business as a food business executive. On her 16th birthday Stevie received her first guitar resulting in her first song called "I've Loved and I've Lost, and I'm Sad But Not Blue". While going to High School she joined her first band, "Changing Times", a folk rock group.   Stevie met her future musical and romantic partner, Lindsey Buckingham during her senior year in High School. In 1972 Stevie and Lindsey wrote as a duo, recorded demo tapes at night in Daly City . The same year they secured a deal with Polydor Records, which used their demo tapes to release the album Buckingham Nicks in 1973.  Unfortunately the album was not a commercial success, despite the live shows that Stevie and Lindsey performed together to support it, then Polydor dropped the pair from the label.  While working at multiple jobs

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