John Lennon Gave the Word Peace a Whole New Meaning

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John Lennon Gave the Word Peace A Whole New Meaning

                The Beatles were a English rock band from Liverpool, England that formed in 1960. With members like John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. They were known as the biggest influences of the rock era. The Beatles built their reputation on playing in clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg over a three year period. The Beatles are considered the best-selling band in history, Which estimates sales over 800 million physical and digital albums worldwide. They have had more number-one albums on the British charts and sold more singles in the U.K. than any other act. They are also the best-selling music artist in the United States, with 178 million Certified units.  
During the Vietnam war many people in the United States were against it once they found out what was really going on in Vietnam because of a series of pictures that were released.
This revolved around the simple belief held by America that communism was threatening to expand all over south-east Asia. Neither the Soviet Union nor the United States could risk an all-out war against each other. Which had been argued as acceptable due to the Domino Theory and the threat of Communism, was not legally justifiable. Some Americans believed that the Communist threat was used as a scapegoat to hide imperialistic intentions, while others argued that the American intervention in South Vietnam interfered with the "self-determination" of the country. They felt that the war in Vietnam was a civil war that ought to have determined the fate of the country and, therefore, America was not right to intervene. 
There was many people against the war like Jimmy Hendrix, John Lennon, and many others. This lead to many marches in the United States. 
As the Vietnam War continued John Lennon became more involved in the peace movement, which led to a friendship with radicals like Jerry Rubin and Bobby Seale. In December 1971, a few months after Lennon and Yoko Ono moved to New York, he sang at a rally for John Sinclair of the White Panthers, who was serving a 10-year sentence for selling two joints – the subject of Abbie Hoffman’s rant at Woodstock during the Who's set. Sinclair was released within days, but unknown to Lennon, the FBI was in the audience taking notes. This was essentially the beginning of the government’s involvement into Lennon’s life.
For many years He was harassed by the government because he influenced so many people that were against the war. But also encouraged people to be against the war. Of course the government didn't like that and tried to deport him back to England. 
In March of 1969 John Lennon and his new wife Yoko Ono created the 'Bed-In For Peace' movement. Knowing that the wedding would cause big publicity he decided to turn the publicity into a peace thing. The Point was to cause a non-violent movement. To John it peace meant no Violent so him and his wife stayed in their bed for two weeks. Above their bed they had signs that read " Hair Peace" and "Bed Peace". 
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During April 1969, John and Yoko sent acorns to the heads of state in various countries around the world in hopes that they would plant them as a symbol of peace
John Lennon created a song about peace called Imagine. The people who would march would sing this song over and over again.
After the war was over John and his wife took a break from the media. They had a son named
Sean Lennon. He was born on October 9th, 1975. The war ended in April of 1975.
On Monday December 8th, 1980 John Lennon was shot and killed in New York City by a man named Mark David. He was sentenced 20 years to life. Before he died he told his wife it wouldn't be an accident or natural.  
When people found out about his death they mourned for months. Within those months they marched in D.C. Singing 'Imagine' as loud as they could. When a music icon dies that made an influence on the world in the right way people go into a very horrid state. But his legacy and his influence will live on forever.
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