Why Bother to Protest?

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Why Bother to Protest?

         On February 14th, 2018 a former student walked into Parkland High School located in Florida armed. Killing 17 students. He was seeking revenge.  Weeks later students all around America have protested about gun violence. There was a national walk out on March 14th. This is the reason to protest. Actions like these take a toll on people. People want change. People want their voices to be heard.
 A recent bill is in the process to be created. The bill is for teachers and staff should be trained to use a gun and have one during school hours. Now the real question is "Do You Think This Should Be Aloud?".
In my personal opinion I think not. I have many reason. One-being that something can go wrong. A Teacher can have something personal going on in their lives and they could lash out. Or a teacher could turn their back for a second and a child could reach for the gun and something horrible can happen. There are reasons why there are police officers. They are the trained professionals. Teachers are the ones to help kids learn and for the world to be a better place not for students to be feared. It is so unfortunate that events like these have to occur for people to open their eyes and realize things like this is not normal. 


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