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What exactly is stress?
   Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
In my words... It is when your so emotionally drained and you have so much on your plate that it is all you keep thinking about and all you wanna do is scream until all your problems go away.
 People cope with stress differently.
They either...
  • Sleep
  • Eat
  • Listen to music
  • Binge watch a show
  • paint
  • draw 
        etc. sometimes those things relive the stress. Everyone is different when it comes to stress. 
Personally I do not like stress. I don't really cope with it all that well. The reason why people stress out is because of change. Sometimes change is good. Again, personally I do not like it. I like things steady. I like when I can do things from a day to day basis. I don't like when there is such a drastic change. I believe in life you should be grounded and have your things straight. yes, once and a while change is nice, It's awesome even but if it is all the time I do not want it. 
Sometimes when people are stressed it could cause anxiety attacks, those are definitely not fun. It can also cause mental, social, and sometimes physical issues.
This could cause feelings of impending doom, panic or nervousness, especially in social settings.
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