Image result for MY MAD FAT DIARY book summary

BY: Rae Earl 


It's 1989, and Rae is fat, boy-mad-17-year-old girl, living in Stamford, Lincolnshire England with her mom and her deaf white cat in a council house with a mint off-green bath suite and  a refrigerator Rae can't keep away from. She's also just been released from the psychiatric word. Rae's chronicle of her world will strike a chord with anyone who's ever been a confused, lonely teenager clashing with her parents, Sometimes overeating, hating her body, always taking herself VERY seriously, never knowing how positively brilliant she is, and keeping a diary to record it all. 

My Opinion:

This is the very first memoir I have ever read and I absolutely loved it. In a way her personality is much like my own. I listen to a lot of the music she did. This book is about the struggles she went through as a 'overweight'  17 year old teenager. She writes about her friends, the way they annoy her and they way she feels about some people. She writes about her mom and how she dates a lot of men. Her mothers' second husband was a homosexual who lived in a different country.Then her mother met a professional body builder who she later on offers a spare room to. All Rae wonders is how her mother can jump from man to man when she can't talk to a guy she 'fancies'. Throughout the diary Rae is experiencing some mental issues. She hates being in her own head because she is by herself and feels very lonely. Along the way she meets these friends who only look at her like a laugh and nothing more. I loved this book because It's from a different country and their slang is used for so many different words. Like chunder.., that means vomit. or Jibbing which to deliberately opt out of something . However the word carries a sense of shame and or weakness with it. Like to 'job' on a party is to act in pathetic way. Jibbing also means the deliberate act of not having enough stamina to enjoy all the good times. and apparently when your 17 that's ludicrous. This book made me laugh and cry all at the same time. It was full of emotion and very realistic. This book turned out so well it turned into a T.V. show.
I watched it after reading this book and it was nothing like it. Names were changed for the second time, it was 1996 and not 1989. But they were both equally funny and filled with a lot of emotion. Rae Earl did such a great job that you felt when she was happy, sad or angry.
I personally give this book a 5/5.
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