Looking for Alaska

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Looking For Alaska

                                   * Warning Spoilers* 

Summary: Miles Hunter (also know as Pudge) is leaving his home in Florida to attend Culver Creek Preparatory High School (boarding school) in Alabama. The school his father attended when he was in High School. Pudge meets his roommate Chip Martin (also know as the Colonel) and Alaska Young, a beautiful but damaged girl who Pudge falls in love with. 
   Pudge has an obsession with famous last words. Alaska learning this informs Pudge about Simon Bolivars "Labyrinth". The whole point on Simon Bolivars "Labyrinth" is how to get out of it. 
 Alaska is trying to figure it out. 
  When Miles' parents dropped him off at his dorm room his father warned him to never smoke, get drunk or pull pranks. As of any teenager they do the opposite of everything their parents tell them too. 
 Smoking, Drinking and pulling pranks become a big problem. As of any school those things are not allowed on campus. Alaska, Pudge, and Colonel create a smoking hole in the middle of the woods where they drank wine and smoked constantly. 
  Alaska tends to have these freak outs and they consisted of her over thinking everything. 
 One night after getting drunk she called her boyfriend "Jackson" as she is on the phone she starts doodling white flowers and she suddenly remembers something and has a total freak out. She runs back to her room where Pudge and the Colonel is and begs them to distract the principal so she could leave (she is still drunk). They let her go because they figured it was just another one of her dramatic performances. Until the next morning when their school had an assembly announcing the death of Alaska Young.  
  The boys blame her death on themselves ,because they let her go knowing that she was drunk. 
Alaska Young died because of a car crash. She went head on into a cop car, didn't try to stop, or to swerve out of the way. The steering wheel of the vehicle crushed her chest caused her to die instantly.   Finding this out the boys thought she killed herself. They believed she got into a fight with her boyfriend, drove to go see him, realized the relationship had ended causing her to believe that her life was over, driving straight into the cop car an dying on impact.
   Trying to understand the situation the boys find out that she was on her way to visit her mothers grave, that day 8 years ago ( the novel was wrote in 2005) Alaska's mother had taken her to the zoo, that was also the last day she would ever spend with her mother. 

  My Opinion: Pudge and The Colonel are slow. 

Before Alaska's death she had told them both about the day at the zoo with her mother and her mother's death. She even told Pudge her mother would put white flowers in he hair. 
  At the scene of car accident the police said she had white flowers in the car. Before the Colonel has spoken to Jake, Him and Pudge talked to the police officer who's car was hit. 
So to not make those connections kinda annoyed me.  Yes I understand they didn't know what she was doodling until the Colonel had spoken to Jake, but even after speaking to Jake they still didn't connect the dots. Every death of a person your close with is hard to comprehend. 

5/5 Stars :)

Image result for john green looking for alaska quotesImage result for john green looking for alaska quotes



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