Should the U.S. and It's allies intervine in ethnic/cultural conflicts?

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Should the U.S. and it's allies get involved in ethnic/cultural conflicts?
(Places where there are human rights violations)

      In my opinion I believe we should not get involved. Just because it would cause major conflict and probably start another war. It sounds wrong and selfish but just think about all the wrong it would do the U.S. , I'm not implying that helping people is wrong and we should ignore it. If it gets to a point (Like the Holocaust or the famine in the Ukraine)  where we need to get involved then the U.S. should.
     The U.S. had stayed in isolation for so long before WWI and WWII.
The U.S. got involved in WWI because of the unrestricted submarine warfare with the Germans. The U.S. got involved with WWII because the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Where the United States naval base was located.
    The U.S. caused some human rights violations like slavery. Causing the Civil War. It was a long-standing controversy over slavery. That was a war within the States.
Then there was the Vietnam War. That revolved around the simple belief held by America that communism was threatening to expand all over south-east Asia. Neither the Soviet Union nor the United States could risk an all-out war against each other. Which had been argued as acceptable due to the Domino Theory and the threat of Communism, was not legally justifiable. Some Americans believed that the Communist threat was used as a scapegoat to hide imperialistic intentions, while others argued that the American intervention in South Vietnam interfered with the "self-determination" of the country. They felt that the war in Vietnam was a civil war that ought to have determined the fate of the country and, therefore, America was not right to intervene.President Kennedy was considering pulling the U.S. advisers out of Vietnam and then he was assassinated. The U.S. was spending more than a million dollars a day just to help support South Vietnam. The United States spent 28.5 billion dollars on economic and military aid during the Vietnam war which lasted from 1955-1975. 
     If the United States was to get into another war it would cause us to be an even bigger debt than we are now.

Image result for civil war
Image result for vietnam war


  1. Great connections. I like the format of your posts. Very thought provoking.


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