Bands are Changing The World.

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Bands are Changing the World.  



     In 1976 a Irish rock band called U2 was formed.
Their first album "BOY'' was released on October 20th, 1980. 
But the Album that really stood out to people was ''WAR''.
This album had a more outspoken ,More political and even more muscular.  
One of the many songs on the album called "Sunday Bloody Sunday" was about the incident in Derry (Ireland)where all Northern Catholics, were marching in protests of the British policy of internment of suspected Irish Nationalist.British troops shot and killed unarmed civil rights protesters and bystanders.
 Through their music they express what they believe is right. But there are other bands just like them.
 During a concert in 2016 U2 voiced their opinion on a video  of the candidate at the time (Donald Trump) future choices for the United States. During the video the candidate talked about building a wall in Mexico. Bono compared it to the Berlin Wall in Germany (Divided Berlin from 1961-1989)

Green Day 

   In March of 2004 American Idiot was released causing a world wide outbreak. The band Green Day was against the president at the time and the way he handled things. One of the songs on the album was named "American Idiot" (yes, just like the album)the song was about the Government controlling everything the United States does. The United States was not considered a free country. They believed that the president at the time was very controlling. Green Day used "Freedom of speech" and "Freedom of press" very well. 

John Lennon  

  John Lennon was a member of a famous band from the 1960's called "The Beatles". 
   John created a Peace Movement during the Vietnam War. He persuaded many people to protest the war. 
   His wife( Yoko Ono) and him hosted many bed ins. Bed-ins are when a person will stay in their room for a certain number of days to protest against something. John and Yoko did bed-ins in Montreal and Amsterdam.They stayed in their rooms and recorded many anti-war songs. 

   All these amazing artist stranded up for what they believed in. Many people listened. 



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