That Burning Summer.

Image result for that burning summer '
That Burning Summer. 


      It's July 1940 on the South Coast of England. 
The Second World War is happening. A young Polish pilot named Henryk crash lands and is injured. 
    Sixteen year old Peggy lives in her Aunt's home with her mother and eleven-year old brother, While her father is in the war.   
     Peggy is picking the vegetables one day and finds the injured pilot on her families farm. 
Afraid and unwilling to continue the fight Henryk begs for Peggy to hide him until the war is over. 
   She decides to hide him in a near by abandon church. Along with hiding him she finds away to hide is parachute that he landed in.  
 Meanwhile her little brother-Ernest is trying to understand the war that is going on around him. He is reading all the pamphlets, he knows all the rules, he knows exactly what to do in any given situation. He is prepared for anything and everything. 
    Like any Eleven-year old your are curious about everything. You wanna have fun and go on different adventures. Unfortunately for Ernest he got too nosy and found his sister's hidden pilot. 
Will Ernest rat his sister out? or will he let the poor pilot be?

My Opinion:

  The book is very interesting. Lydia Syson ( the author) really sets an image when Henyrk has a flashback to the war. She makes you feel like it's the 1940's. Lydia sets a mood toward the whole aspect of him being a pilot during WWII. She describes his struggles with trying to forget what happened. She brings feeling into him missing his family back in Poland.
   I understand Ernest being curious about everything, I mean it's a good thing but sometimes it could get you in trouble. Like him finding Henyrk's parachute, now he knows there is a solider hiding, But he doesn't know his sister is hiding him.
   Ernest misses his father dearly. The saddest party about his birthday was when he made a bet with himself about the wrapping paper ("I made a bet with myself. If I open my gift without tearing the paper, Dad will be home before my birthday is over"). Unfortunately his cousin became inpatient and tore it open for him. So he knew his father wasn't coming home that day. Every time he brings up his dad to his sister she gets upset. Which is understandable.
    Then there is his mother who misses her husband. She is kinda jealous of  her  sister because  her husband didn't have to go off to war. For Ernest's birthday Fred (Ernest's uncle) gave him a gun that his father was suppose to give to him an that made things a little worse for his mother.

Image result for wwii plane  gifsImage result for England farms in 1940


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