An Abundance of Katherines

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                                                 AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES 
is about a young man named Colin Singleton who only dates Katherines. Nineteen to be exact. Each Katherine that he dates they dump him. 
   Colin is special. He is considered a "child prodigy". Colin fears he will not maintain being a "genius as an adult". 
    After graduating High School his last Katherine(number 19) dumped him. Like any person after a break up he is in mourning. His friend Hassan is tired of it. So for the summer Hassan takes him on a road trip. 
is where they picked to stop. Well more so Hassan. 
      During the road trip Colin is trying to come up with a theorem as to why every single Katherine has dumped him. Being a genius I don't see as to why he wouldn't create a theorem. Personally reading about Colin I call him a super nerd.  
       Being in Gunshot they meet Lindsey and Hollis who take them in. Hollis owns a small deli. She offers the boys a job to interview retired elderly people about the factory her father built. 

My Opinions: 
  This book specifically is great.
 But I have my issues. 
Colin is super clingy. But also likes to anagram everything.  
    Hassan has always been there for Colin and Colin treats him so badly. Hassan saw his best friend was in pain so he came up a way to try and get his mind off of the last Katherine for the summer. Beside trying to cheer up his best friend Hassan doesn't plan on going to college in the fall. He claims it  is a waist of time. Colin thinks he could do it. His plan is to sit on his parents couch for the rest of his life and watch Judge Judy. But Colin keeps pushing him to go to college. You know being a genius Colin is way ahead of his time. 
     Colin's first main problem is that he's afraid anyone he meets and gets close to will one day leave him. He tries everything in his power to make sure that doesn't happen. 
     His second main problem is that he gets attached to any Katherine that gives him the light of day. 
  My one problem with this book so far ( because I'm not done reading it) is that JOHN GREEN DOESN'T EXPLAIN WHY HE ONLY DATES KATHERINES. 
   Yes I am aware that the book is called "AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES", But why can't he date a Sarah, a Jane, or even a Bethany. Hopefully at the end of the book it will all make sense. 
   John Green's work is amazing. So far I've read a total of 3 books ( The fourth I am still reading)  he has wrote and each time I either felt really sad ("THE FAULT IN OUR STARS"),really happy ("LOOKING FOR ALASKA"), Or really annoyed ("PAPER TOWNS"). Overall John Green's style of writing style is very unique. 
  The best part about this book is he has little side notes. He will have a number next to the word and at the bottom of the page the word is on it either has a comment, or a meaning of some sort. They are usually very enjoyably.
    John Green is definitely not normal,But normal is boring and that is what makes his writing interesting.

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